Deep technical knowledge and competences

Telecom asset recovery service

Telecom asset recovery services has been and is coming more important operation in telecom maintenance services industry. New technologies are developed, and old ones remains in use.

It is normal that new technologies are installed to cities to achieve more capacity where most of the demand is. Older working technologies do have still value. Professional telecom asset recovery service ensure that all aspects and possibilities for valuable assets are utilized.

Telecom testing service

Telecom asset recovery services benefit both customer and supplier. Utilizing obsolete or unused equipment can have significant values. For example after de-installation, decisions of each material and equipment has to be made. Professional telecom asset recovery service ensure best utilizing. By recycling, refurbishment or re-selling equipment, owner can get many different kinds of benefits.

  • Professional telecom recycling (sublink to articke “Green repair and recycling processes ”?) partner separates pricy metals properly for reuse, for the benefit of the owners of the disposed devices.
  • Refurbishment of telecom equipment is a process which analyses what is needed and where. For example right inventories in right locations enables smooth telecom maintenance services which has eventually impact to end customer – consumer does have maximal usage of used device.
  • In case that equipment owner does not have any demand for such equipment, it can be also sold. Telecom second hand brokerage business is increasing. That is good business not only to sell equipment but also to buy from.

Professional telecom asset recovery service includes also relevant telecom testing operation. Before refurbishing or selling equipment, it is important to ensure functionality.

  • TDR telecom screening service includes relevant telecom testing system which can be used locally close where such demand and inventories are located.
  • Equipment can be damaged for example during de-installation or is not working fully. TDR telecom screening check if equipment is working or not. In case equipment is not working, telecom asset recovery operation makes decision for repair or recycle. In case decision is to repair equipment, TDR telecom repair (sublink to “telecom screening, repair and testing”) service is solution for telecom asset recovery
  • TDR professional telecom testing services ensure full functionality and performance of equipment. In telecom repair service high tech telecom testing systems are required. In telecom screening, equipment performance and functionalities are tested. In Telecom testing during and after repair operation, right repair procedures can be executed.

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